Text talk meanings: How to decipher your kids text talk!

As a parent, you may believe that the Internet is all mixed up and full of misunderstandings. You may have a conflict with your child too because they’re cocky, irritable, and you feel you’re losing touch with what’s going on in their life as they pour over the Internet. You need to understand text talk meanings. Otherwise, you’ll never know what’s going on in your child’s life. Find out the real meaning behind your kids text messages because you can’t conceive what is going on if you aren’t aware of some of the errors they’re making. Of all the text talk meanings you need to know of; PIR is the first one as this means Parent in Room. There are other acronyms used by kids, which should raise some red flags for parents, particularly with younger children and teens. Some of these are CID for the drug ACID, CU46 – See you for sex, Broken which stands for Hungover from alcohol, SUGARPIC – Suggestive or erotic photo and IPN – I’m posting naked. There are many more, many of which are entirely harmless such as LOL. Once you’re clued up on these, you’ll have an idea of what’s going on in your child’s life.